mEy! nació el martes 4 de junio de 1985 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina bajo el nombre Mayra Lorena.
mEy! nació el martes 4 de junio de 1985 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina bajo el nombre Mayra Lorena.
Creció en su barrio jugando a la mancha y la escondida en la calle con su hermano, primos segundos y vecinos hasta la hora que la mamá la llamaba a cenar.
Fue en su escuela primaria donde más se divirtió con muchos amigos de los buenos.
Desde siempre tuvo un escritorio en su habitación en el que desarrollaba una revista artesanal de variedades y juegos. Y fue ahí a la edad de 8 años en donde abrió por primera vez una caja de pasteles a la tiza que su tía le regalara.
Su primer paso importante de vida fue a los 12 cuando decidió con tristeza dejar atrás a sus amigos de primaria para empezar el nivel secundario en una escuela con Magisterio en Bellas Artes(*). Pasó sus siguientes cinco junios vistiendo siempre ropa manchada con óleo, comiendo a cualquier hora y dibujando y pintando intensamente. Experimentó también con técnicas de grabado, escultura, murales y disfrutó de profesores que aún hoy recuerda gentilmente.
Se recibió de maestra de plástica a los 17 años.Era en ese entonces que, ya pisando los 18, se asustó frente a un futuro incierto y barajó algunas opciones al momento de decidir a qué dedicar su vida: pensó en ser psicóloga, diseñadora de indumentaria, psicopedagoga y maestra. Muy dentro suyo soñaba con ser una artista que llenara lienzos con colores y bailara sobre escenarios(**). Nada de esto pasó en principio cuando con poco corazón eligió entrar a la Universidad.
Ingresó a la UBA a estudiar Diseño de Indumentaria junto con otras 235 chicas confundidas. El CBC la aburrió hasta el gris más profundo y su primer año de carrera la agotó hasta el ronquido más intenso. No era feliz, salvando algún acontecimiento interesante(***).
Alguno de aquellos días una chispita la iluminó y con el apoyo de sus dos padres se lanzó directamente al epicentro de su vocación.A modo de prueba piloto pintó diez cuadros en unos pocos meses y los colgó en las paredes de un restaurante amigo. Esa noche vendió muchas de sus obras y así entró en carrera de pies a cabeza. Fueron largos días de intentos para diseñar un esquema de trabajo artístico independiente. A la vez, comenzaba a dar clases de arte a niños y a personas con capacidades diferentes(****).
En esa época se enamoró, voló del nido familiar y ya con Muso a su lado pintó por aqui y por allá.
Un buen día avistó el universo de la ilustración infantil e instantáneamente hubo amor a primera vista (y a segunda y a tercera).
Estudió en talleres con profesores ilustradores de mucha estrella(*****). Y más tarde continuó transitando un camino propio de aprendizaje.
Desde hace unos años hasta hoy día es ilustradora free-lance. Trabaja desde el escritorio de su casa (como cuando era pequeña) hacia el mundo(******). Se rumorea fuertemente que lo seguirá haciendo por muchísimo tiempo más.
(*) Estudió Bellas Artes en la escuela Rogelio Yrurtia. Allí consiguió su título docente.
(**) Es gran aficionada a las danzas. De pequeña hizo gimnasia deportiva infantil, aerobic y formó parte de un sexteto a nivel competitivo. Más tarde, estudió comedia musical en La Casa del Teatro, incursionó en la danza árabe, tomó clases de danza contemporánea, hace poco se enamoró de la danza afro y actualmente hace taller de clown.
(***) Fue en la época universitaria que nació su nombre mEy!
(****) Es maestra. Dió clases de plástica en escuelas primarias. Estuvo a cargo de un taller técnico expresivo de arte en un Centro de Formación Laboral de una Fundación para personas con capacidades diferentes. Hoy en día tiene su taller para chicos Desde la Hoja en Blanco:
(*****) Estudió con dos grandes ilustradores infantiles: José Sanabria y Claudia Legnazzi.
(******) Trabajó para editoriales infantiles: Aique Grupo Editor,Ediciones Santillana, Editorial Macmillán (Puerto de Palos), Editorial Estación Mandioca, Ediciones SM, Editorial Letra Impresa, Fundación Edelvives, Editorial La Brujita de Papel, Ediciones Urano (Uranito). También ilustró para el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el Ministerio de Educación, para FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization de la ONU), Ministerio de Justicia, Seguridad y Derechos Humanos, Fundación Kine, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Consejo Nacional de la Mujer. Trabaja regularmente con estudios de diseño: Alejandro Jobad Diseño, Sabina Katz Diseño, Falgione CV. Y para clientes particulares como: Banco Santander Rio, AADI CAPIF, Juegos PLAYVALUE, entre otros.
Colabora con el blog de La Luna Naranja.
mEy! was born on Tuesday, June 4th , 1985 in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina under the name Mayra Lorena.
She grew up playing on the streets Hide and Seek and Freeze Tag with her brother, cousins and neighbors until she was called for dinner by her mother.
It was in elementary school where she had the most fun with many good friends.
She always had a desk in her room where she edited a variety and games crafted magazine. It was there that at the age of eight she opened for the first time a box of chalk pastels her aunt had given her.
Her first important step in life was at the age of twelve when she sadly decided to leave behind her school friends to start the High School of Fine Arts Teaching *.
She spent her next five Junes wearing clothes stained with oil, eating at any hour and frantically drawing and painting. She also experimented with engraving technique, sculpture, murals and had a great time with her teachers whom she graciously remembers them today.
She graduated in Art Teaching at her 17s.
It was then that, and reaching her eighteens, she was frightened to face an uncertain future. She considered several options on what to devote her life: she thought to be a psychologist, fashion designer and teacher. Deep inside her she dreamt of being an artist and fill canvases with colors and dance on stage **.
At first, none of this happened when she decided to go to College without too much conviction.
She went to UBA to study Fashion Design alongside with 235 other confused girls. The first year bored her deep gray and wore her out to the most intense snore. She was not happy, save some interesting event ***.
One of those days a spark lit inside her and with the support of her parents she was released directly to the epicenter of his vocation.
As pilot test she painted ten pictures in a few months and hung them on the wall of a friend´s restaurant. That night, she sold many of her works and thus she dived in the race head first.
They were long days of attempts to design an independent artistic work plan. At the same time, she began to teach art to children and people with disabilities ****.
At that time she fell in love, flew away from the family nest and with her He-Muse at her side she painted over here and there.
She spotted one day the children illustration universe and she fell instantly in love at first sight (and second and third).
She studied at workshops with starred professional illustrators *****. And then she kept going on a self-taught path.
Nowadays mEy! is a freelance illustrator ******. She works from the desk of her home (like when she was a little child) to the world. It is strongly rumored that she will continue doing so for a long time.
*She studied Fine Arts at Rogelio Yrurtia School. She got there her teaching certificate.
**She is very fond of dancing. She practiced gymnastics and aerobics when she was a little child. She was part of a sextet at a competitive level. Later on, she studied musical comedy at Casa del Teatro, ventured into the Arabian dance, studied contemporary dance and recently she fell in love with African dance.
***It was on her College years that the name mEy! was born.
****She is a teacher. She taught Art at Elementary Schools. She was in charge of a technical-expressive art workshop in a people with disabilities foundation. Today she has a children workshop called Desde la Hoja en Blanco
*****She took classes from two great illustrators: José Sanabria and Claudia Legnazzi
******She worked for children's publishers: Aique Group Editor, Ediciones Santillana, Macmillan Publishing (Puerto de Palos), Editorial Cassava Station, Ediciones SM, Letra Impresa, Edelvives Foundation, Editorial Brujita de Papel, Ediciones Urano (Uranito). She also illustrated for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, the Ministry of Education, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN), Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights, Fundación Kine, Ministry of Social Development and National Women Council. She works regularly with designing studios: Alejandro Jobad Design, Sabina Katz Design, Falgione CV. Also for private clients such as Banco Santander Rio, AADI CAPIF, PLAYVALUE Games, among others. She works on La Luna Naranja blog.
Colabora con el blog de La Luna Naranja.
mEy! was born on Tuesday, June 4th , 1985 in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina under the name Mayra Lorena.
She grew up playing on the streets Hide and Seek and Freeze Tag with her brother, cousins and neighbors until she was called for dinner by her mother.
It was in elementary school where she had the most fun with many good friends.
She always had a desk in her room where she edited a variety and games crafted magazine. It was there that at the age of eight she opened for the first time a box of chalk pastels her aunt had given her.
Her first important step in life was at the age of twelve when she sadly decided to leave behind her school friends to start the High School of Fine Arts Teaching *.
She spent her next five Junes wearing clothes stained with oil, eating at any hour and frantically drawing and painting. She also experimented with engraving technique, sculpture, murals and had a great time with her teachers whom she graciously remembers them today.
She graduated in Art Teaching at her 17s.
It was then that, and reaching her eighteens, she was frightened to face an uncertain future. She considered several options on what to devote her life: she thought to be a psychologist, fashion designer and teacher. Deep inside her she dreamt of being an artist and fill canvases with colors and dance on stage **.
At first, none of this happened when she decided to go to College without too much conviction.
She went to UBA to study Fashion Design alongside with 235 other confused girls. The first year bored her deep gray and wore her out to the most intense snore. She was not happy, save some interesting event ***.
One of those days a spark lit inside her and with the support of her parents she was released directly to the epicenter of his vocation.
As pilot test she painted ten pictures in a few months and hung them on the wall of a friend´s restaurant. That night, she sold many of her works and thus she dived in the race head first.
They were long days of attempts to design an independent artistic work plan. At the same time, she began to teach art to children and people with disabilities ****.
At that time she fell in love, flew away from the family nest and with her He-Muse at her side she painted over here and there.
She spotted one day the children illustration universe and she fell instantly in love at first sight (and second and third).
She studied at workshops with starred professional illustrators *****. And then she kept going on a self-taught path.
Nowadays mEy! is a freelance illustrator ******. She works from the desk of her home (like when she was a little child) to the world. It is strongly rumored that she will continue doing so for a long time.
*She studied Fine Arts at Rogelio Yrurtia School. She got there her teaching certificate.
**She is very fond of dancing. She practiced gymnastics and aerobics when she was a little child. She was part of a sextet at a competitive level. Later on, she studied musical comedy at Casa del Teatro, ventured into the Arabian dance, studied contemporary dance and recently she fell in love with African dance.
***It was on her College years that the name mEy! was born.
****She is a teacher. She taught Art at Elementary Schools. She was in charge of a technical-expressive art workshop in a people with disabilities foundation. Today she has a children workshop called Desde la Hoja en Blanco
*****She took classes from two great illustrators: José Sanabria and Claudia Legnazzi
******She worked for children's publishers: Aique Group Editor, Ediciones Santillana, Macmillan Publishing (Puerto de Palos), Editorial Cassava Station, Ediciones SM, Letra Impresa, Edelvives Foundation, Editorial Brujita de Papel, Ediciones Urano (Uranito). She also illustrated for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, the Ministry of Education, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN), Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights, Fundación Kine, Ministry of Social Development and National Women Council. She works regularly with designing studios: Alejandro Jobad Design, Sabina Katz Design, Falgione CV. Also for private clients such as Banco Santander Rio, AADI CAPIF, PLAYVALUE Games, among others. She works on La Luna Naranja blog.